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Belize 2024

Spent a week in Belize City, the former capital and still by far the largest city in this small Central American country.  Belize is a little country (population around 450,000; area around 9,000 square miles, similar to Massachusetts or Israel, and one fifth the size of Pennsylvania) just south of Mexico and east of Guatemala.  It is relatively poor, with an average annual median wage of about $4,800 (USD equivalent) and a GDP per person around $7,000 (2021 World Bank data). By comparison, the US had an average annual median wage of about $60K and a GDP per person of around $76.5K; Canada had about $42K median wage and $55K GDP per person in 2021.  Belize protects over 37 percent of its land mass as national parks and reserves.  (Canada and the USA both protect about 12% of their land masses.)  What it lacks in relative wealth, it makes up for in beauty, friendliness, and environmental protection!

It is an officially English speaking country with a Caribbean vibe. It has diverse ecosystems, especially given its small size. The Mezoamerican Barrier Reef lies to the east in the Caribbean Sea, and stretches from Mexico to Honduras.  

Before it was an independent country, it was a British colony, built up through slave labor and forestry exports. Before that, Spanish explorers laid claim to the area. Before that, Mayans lived here. The current population mix is a blend of Spanish, Mayan, British, and African descendants. The country depends on tourism, manufacturing exports and agriculture for its economic base.


Fishing boats in the city harbor, near my AirB&B

Lots of churches in Belize City, including St John's Anglican Cathedral, built by slaves. I also learned about the contributions made in Belize by Mennonites, who moved here about 50 years ago and are responsible for much of the country's agricultural output


Six of us rode in a van with Narciso, owner of ViV Tours, to Tower Hill, where we got on a boat with Captain Colin and went up the New River for about 25 miles to Lamanai, a partially excavated Mayan site.

Four pyramids were excavated at this site, which was the center of a Mayan city that was about 10 square miles in size and supported between 50,000 and 80,000 people. Pictured above is the Jaguar Temple

The High Temple


Hired Delroy and Francisco to show me around central Belize. We drove about 250 miles in about 12 hours,
stopping at some of the main cities and natural highlights in the region

The Sibun River passes under the Hummingbird Highway. Later in my visit I'd paddle a section of the Sibun that goes through a cave system

The mainland Blue Hole at St Herman's National Park, near Belmopan

Belize Legislative Assembly buildings in Belmopan, the Capital City of Belize. Francisco works for the US Embassy in Belmopan, and knew his way around the Capitol City


Had a great day snorkeling in and around the Mezoamerican Reef off Ambergris Caye. Tour operated by NautiTime Tours, managed by Randy on Caulker Caye. Boat driver Karim and guides Joseph and Yeison did a great job identifying fish and showing us around the Hol Chan Marine Reserve.

Swam with Nurse Sharks

Saw all kinds of coral... we explored the reef at Hol Chan Marine Reserve,
swimming with many, many other species of fish in this amazing place!


On my last full day in Belize, I hired a guide to outfit and lead me through a cave system by kayak. The Nohoch Che'en Archaeological Reserve protects this interesting "entrance to the Mayan underworld!"

"Fab" was a lively, well informed guide who lead me through a couple of miles of caves that had occasional daylight breaks along the way. Fab thought this outline looked like a Hershey's Kiss

Headlamps illuminated many interesting features, like this small grouping of stalagtites

And sometimes the features resembled real things, like the mermaid on the right 😉

A wonderful week to a wonderful country! Thanks to all who helped make it so!Top recommendations: B&B: Aeisha at Nona's Place. Tour Companies: ViV Tours. Snorkeling: NautiTime Tours. Best tour: Riverboat trip to Lamanai

Hyperlinks to more detailed photoblogs: Belize Highlights: Belize City: Lamanai Tour: Lamanai Signage and Other Resources: Lamanai in Wiki: Belizean Road Trip: Caye Caulker: Snorkeling at Hol Chan Marine Reserve: Cave Kayaking at Nohoch Che'en:
