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Showing posts from December, 2018

Amazing Places in 2018

by John Guetter Well, as we wrap up this year, I hope this note finds you happy, healthy, and enjoying the last few days of 2018.  Despite troubling times nationally and internationally, it has been another amazing, wonderful year for me, with opportunities to see and do fun stuff in fabulous places with fantastic friends!  Of the 5,000+ pictures that I took, I selected about a couple dozen of my very favorites to share with you.    A very quick recap:  The year began with an amazing outpouring of support from friends (meals, companionship, transportation, medical care, you name it; they provided it) at home in Lancaster as I was recovering from surgery on my broken leg.  Even before I was fully recovered, friends from Seattle insisted that I stick with our plan to rent a sailboat and cruise in the British Virgin Islands, despite my still hobbling around in a cast, with crutches.  What a great way to recover!   After I regained my mobility, the road trips began:  A month of pad