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Showing posts from April, 2024

Amazing Places in Florida: 2024

An excellent month of paddling some of Florida's finest streams with friends mostly from Central Pennsylvania.  After a few days in Pensacola, we paddled beautiful rivers for a week near Tampa, then a week of rivers around Ocala, and ended up with a week back in the Panhandle, near Pensacola.   As you probably know, I'm not a big fan of big cities or touristy places, and so it was a delight to find rivers and streams that were relatively isolated and where it was still possible to be in subtropical nature and see wildlife up close.  In most of our paddling adventures, we were the only group we saw on the river.  Pretty amazing, really! Big thanks to Chris and Lori for doing most of the planning and organizing, and to everyone who joined in for this trip! I began the trip by meeting up with a couple of my good buddies (l-r Patrick, Scott, Andy) for a few days of great paddle sailing in and around Pensacola Bay Then I moved down to the Tampa area.   Our first river there was the