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Showing posts from October, 2020

The Neighborhood Tour: Fall, 2020

After a summer of mostly exploring amazing places in Pennsylvania, I decided a "neighborhood tour" in the rig might be a reasonable next thing to do.  By "neighborhood tour," I meant visiting each of my neighboring states to see and do things I haven't seen or done in those states before.  And by "reasonable," I thought I could travel pretty safely by minimizing shopping and other indoor activities, doing things with others outdoors, maintaining social distance, wearing a mask when I couldn't social distance, and washing my hands a lot.  It isn't impossible to be covid-conscious when you live in a van, down by the river! Pennsylvania has six "neighbors:"  Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York.  So in September and early October I spent anywhere from a few days to a week or more in each state, mostly paddling (of course!) but also hiking, biking, and riding, and taking a few photos.  Noticed the changing of