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Showing posts from September, 2020

The Covidian Summer of 2020

I would never have expected a public health epidemic to have the power to change so much about everyday life, but that is what has happened around the world as well as in the USA.  Even for me, and I am one of the fortunate few who has been able to weather this storm relatively well.  I've been able to stay safe, remain relatively healthy and happy, and keep active.  Very thankful for all of that.  I hope the same for you.   After a springtime of staying inside my house practically 24-7, this summer was a season of staying close to home and gradually getting outside more.  I put my indoor pursuits of painting and language learning mostly on "pause" as I began to go out for more hikes, bike rides, and kayak trips.  Although I've been doing more outdoor activities, I've pretty much restricted them to places in my home state that were likely to be uncrowded and still beautiful.  About half of the time, I'd do things on my own; the other half of the time I'd s