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Showing posts from July, 2020

Spring, 2020. Stay Home!

As the month of March was ending, the seriousness of the covid pandemic was becoming more clear, and "Stay at Home" orders were being issued.  So home I went, and I spent the next few months learning to live in my house again, getting some spring cleaning and decluttering done, and getting involved in some pretty interesting projects, like building this blog site, participating in a virtual choir, painting pictures of some of my favorite places, and taking a few online courses, including one in conversational Spanish! I built a little online gallery to post and share some of the artsy stuff I've been doing during this time.  I've long said that when I can't travel, I'd like to paint some of the amazing places I've been able to visit.  I'm making no claims to great art here, but I've been having fun mostly using watercolor to "paint" black and white images of some of my favorite places.  After they are done, if I think they are reasonably