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Showing posts from December, 2019

Amazing Places in 2019

by John Guetter A few highlights from an amazing year that took me from Canada's Northwest Territories to South Florida, from the Pacific to the Atlantic, with friends old and new, in stunningly beautiful places.  An amazing year!  I was away from home for about nine months, traveling from southern Florida and southern Arizona to very near to the Arctic Circle in Canada's Yukon Territory, as far west as Eastern Alaska, and all the way across Canada from British Columbia to Newfoundland.   Virginia Falls, South Nahanni River, Northwest Territories My big trip this year was organized around two weeks of canoe camping along the stunning South Nahanni River in Canada's Northwest Territories.  It was everything I'd hoped for in terms of raw and wild scenic splendor!  However, because of lots of fun filled opportunities along the way, it took me more than two months to get there and more than two months to get back, so all together the two week canoe trip morph