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Showing posts from December, 2017

Amazing Places in 2017

by John Guetter A lot of time out west again this year!  Starting with a snow trip in Washington state (think skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, snowbiking, snow skating....) and ending with a spectacular visit in Utah (okay, it did end with a little motorcycle accident and a broken leg!), it was a pretty great year, doing fun stuff in amazing places.  Was able to visit wild and wonderful places in Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Florida, and Ontario in addition to fun in local spots.  The pictures should illustrate some of that.      Part of what has made solo adventure travel so cool for me has been the opportunity to have people join me for parts of these trips.  Another part has been the freedom to join others on their adventures.  And yet another thing has been the many people I've met and become friends with on the rivers, roads and trails along the way.  So I'm especially grateful to Mary Anne, Jan & Linda, Chris & Nadine, Eric, Rebecc