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Showing posts from December, 2015

Amazing Places in 2015

by John Guetter The year 2015 was a very big deal for me, mainly because it was the year I transitioned from my interesting and fulfilling career in psychology to the less predictable but oh so rewarding nomadic life on the road.  The year began with a fabulous January trip to Ecuador, paddling 7 rivers in 7 days with my best paddling buddies Neil and Mark.  Then off for a week of paddling whitewater rivers in April with a group of friends, especially Olly and David, in North and South Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia.  In early July I joined about 450 other kayakers and canoeists for another "Week of Rivers" in Western North Carolina.  In early August I joined my friends Jan and Linda for a couple of weeks of sailing in Canada's Gulf islands, just north of the San Juan Islands in Washington State.  I did my first solo trip in my rig (a Ford Transit cargo van that I built out) in October, a month before I officially retired (had to make sure this was a good idea,